Welcome patriots!

A real patriot is someone who loves their country enough to speak up when they see something that needs to be changed; not someone who blindly assumes that their government knows best and is always right no matter what. urbandictionary.com

Kozaks - Ukrainian-American

patriots for Trump

to Make America Great Again

….without America,

there is no Free World

The Kozaks (or Cossacks). In the 15th century a new martial society—the Cossacks (from the Turkic kazak, meaning “adventurer” or “free man”)—was beginning to evolve in Ukraine’s southern steppe frontier. The term was applied initially to venturesome men who entered the steppe seasonally for hunting, fishing, and the gathering of honey. Their numbers were continually augmented by peasants fleeing serfdom and adventurers from other social strata, including the nobility. Banding together for mutual protection, the Cossacks by the mid-16th century had developed a military organization of a peculiarly democratic kind, with a general assembly (rada) as the supreme authority and elected officers, including the commander in chief, or hetman. Their center was the Sich, an armed camp in the lands of the lower Dnieper “beyond the rapids” (za porohy)—hence, Zaporozhia (in contemporary usage, Zaporizhzhya). The Cossacks defended Ukraine’s frontier population from Tatar incursions, conducted their own campaigns into Crimean territory, and, in their flotillas of light craft, even raided Turkish coastal cities in Anatolia. They were great admirers of New World freedom and George Washington. Freedom loving Ukrainians have a history of fighting for freedom and independence, from Tatars to late Soviet oppression. Stalin murdered over 12 million of Ukrainians in 1930’s Holodomor and in modern times Russians tried to annex Ukraine through infiltration of government (Yanukovych), recently Putin invaded Crimea and Dniester area. Thousands of Ukrainians lost their lives fighting Russian expansionism, many have emigrated to the west. Sadly, just like Americans are divided between Liberals and Conservatives, Some Ukrainians escaping Communist “paradise” are still in support of totalitarian governments (“Ukrainians for Obama”), and those in support of freedom and free enterprise are welcoming election of President Donald Trump. Donald Trump has Herculean task Making America Great Again, fixing disasters that Obama left, fighting hostile fake media and even opposition withing his own Republican Party. Freedom loving Ukrainian Americans will try to help MAGA by contributing ideas, resources and efforts, while shedding light at horrors of Communism in hope to enlighten those dis-informed, confused and derailed by the lying fake media. We will try to offer forum for bright ideas how to help to MAGA by bringing bright people, engineers, businessmen, inventors, academics, legal minds and all “deplorables” to defend freedom, bring back prosperity and sanity to our and our children’s lives. Those on the liberal Titanic can continue sinking while obstructing our efforts and keep marching towards Communist “paradise” right behind Cuba, N. Korea, Venezuela……. Please join US, spread the word and contribute your best to help President Trump to MAGA for all of US.


Welcome patriots!

A real patriot is someone who loves their country enough to speak up when they see something that needs to be changed; not someone who blindly assumes that their government knows best and is always right no matter what. urbandictionary.com

Kozaks - Ukrainian-American

patriots for Trump

to Make America Great Again

….without America,

there is no Free World

The Kozaks (or Cossacks). In the 15th century a new martial society—the Cossacks (from the Turkic kazak, meaning “adventurer” or “free man”)—was beginning to evolve in Ukraine’s southern steppe frontier. The term was applied initially to venturesome men who entered the steppe seasonally for hunting, fishing, and the gathering of honey. Their numbers were continually augmented by peasants fleeing serfdom and adventurers from other social strata, including the nobility. Banding together for mutual protection, the Cossacks by the mid- 16th century had developed a military organization of a peculiarly democratic kind, with a general assembly (rada) as the supreme authority and elected officers, including the commander in chief, or hetman. Their center was the Sich, an armed camp in the lands of the lower Dnieper “beyond the rapids” (za porohy)—hence, Zaporozhia (in contemporary usage, Zaporizhzhya). The Cossacks defended Ukraine’s frontier population from Tatar incursions, conducted their own campaigns into Crimean territory, and, in their flotillas of light craft, even raided Turkish coastal cities in Anatolia. They were great admirers of New World freedom and George Washington. Freedom loving Ukrainians have a history of fighting for freedom and independence, from Tatars to late Soviet oppression. Stalin murdered over 12 million of Ukrainians in 1930’s Holodomor and in modern times Russians tried to annex Ukraine through infiltration of government (Yanukovych), recently Putin invaded Crimea and Dniester area. Thousands of Ukrainians lost their lives fighting Russian expansionism, many have emigrated to the west. Sadly, just like Americans are divided between Liberals and Conservatives, Some Ukrainians escaping Communist “paradise” are still in support of totalitarian governments (“Ukrainians for Obama”), and those in support of freedom and free enterprise are welcoming election of President Donald Trump. Donald Trump has Herculean task Making America Great Again, fixing disasters that Obama left, fighting hostile fake media and even opposition withing his own Republican Party. Freedom loving Ukrainian Americans will try to help MAGA by contributing ideas, resources and efforts, while shedding light at horrors of Communism in hope to enlighten those dis-informed, confused and derailed by the lying fake media. We will try to offer forum for bright ideas how to help to MAGA by bringing bright people, engineers, businessmen, inventors, academics, legal minds and all “deplorables” to defend freedom, bring back prosperity and sanity to our and our children’s lives. Those on the liberal Titanic can continue sinking while obstructing our efforts and keep marching towards Communist “paradise” right behind Cuba, N. Korea, Venezuela……. Please join US, spread the word and contribute your best to help President Trump to MAGA for all of US.
